Why Bully Sticks?
Learn why bully sticks are the #1 treat for your dog.
Unlike most other long-lasting chews, such as rawhide or bones, bully sticks are 100% digestible with a much lower risk of choking.
Bully sticks include just one ingredient, 100% natural beef! We use no pesticides or chemicals in or on our sticks. Rawhide typically includes harmful chemicals and most treats are heavily processed with a long list of ingredients.
Bully sticks are natural teeth cleaners. Bully sticks act as a natural floss for dog’s teeth. Additionally, saliva is a dog’s natural way of keeping bacteria off their teeth and chewing on a bully stick causes them to have more saliva on their teeth and for a longer period of time (due to the continuous chewing).
Our bully sticks can take a dog from many minutes to multiple days to chew through (depending on the size and chewing strength of the dog). This provides long-lasting entertainment and tasty enjoyment for your pup and also serves as a healthy, fun option to help you eat dinner, clean the house, or entertain guests without disturbance.
Dogs Love 'em!
No other treat wins over a dog’s heart like bully sticks do. If your dog doesn’t like our bully sticks, let us know and we’ll provide a full refund.
Vet Recommended
"Bully sticks provide all-natural, long-lasting entertainment for your dog. They are natural teeth cleaners, and I've seen significant improvement of tartar build-up on many of my patients. Bully sticks are also safer — less likely to break a tooth or to become a choking hazard — than other chew alternatives such as rawhides, antlers or bones."
Dr. Laura Mowry
Wicker Park Vetinary Clinic, Chicago, IL | Mom of Riley and Mavis

Parent Approved

"I've saved at least hundreds of dollars on teeth cleaning due to the great job bully sticks have done on my pup's teeth — and my vet is pleased too. I also think bully sticks are a much safer alternative to rawhide, I had a friend whose dog had to be operated on to remove a large piece of rawhide he swallowed."

"We give our dog a bully stick and he is occupied and happy for the next half an hour. They are the perfect treat to keep him busy while we eat dinner."

"I love how clean bully sticks are. When Marcie chews rawhides, she leaves bones chips all over the place. Marrow bones get nasty on carpet and Marcie loves to chip off bone fragments, which can be dangerous. Bully sticks don't make a mess and they keep Marcie happy, which makes them the best."

"When I go to the pet store, I let my dogs pick a treat out and 90% of the time, of all the treats, they chose bully sticks."